- Intelligent Design Makes My Monkey Cry.
- Too Stupid to Understand Science? Try Religion.
- There's A REASON Why Atheists Don't Fly Planes Into Buildings.
- "Worship Me or I Will Torture You Forever. Have a Nice Day." God.
- God Doesn't Kill People. People Who Believe in God Kill People.
- If There is No God, Then What Makes the Next Kleenex Pop Up?
- He's Dead. It's Been 2,000 years. He's Not Coming Back. Get OVER It Already!
- All religion is simply evolved out of fraud, fear, greed, imagination, and poetry. Edgar Allen Poe.
- Viva La Evolución!
- I Wouldn't Trust Your God Even If He Did Exist.
- People Who Don't Want Their Beliefs Laughed at Shouldn't Have Such Funny Beliefs.
- Jesus is Coming? Don't Swallow That.
- Threatening Children With Hell Is FUN!
- God Doesn't Exist. So, I Guess That Means No One Loves You.
- When the Rapture Comes, We'll Get Our Country Back!
- Q. How Do We Know the Holy Ghost Was Catholic? A. He Used the Rhythm Method Instead of a Condom.
- You Say "Heretic" Like It Was a BAD Thing.
- I Love Christians. They Taste Like Chicken.
- Science: It Works, Bitches.
- "Intelligent Design" Helping Stupid People Feel Smart Since 1987.
- My Flying Monkey Can Beat Up Your Guardian Angel.
- If God Wanted People to Believe in Him, Then Why Did He Invent Logic?
- Praying Is Politically Correct Schizophrenia.
- I Forget - Which Day Did God Make All The Fossils?
- I Was An Atheist Until The Hindus Convinced Me That I Was God.
- The Spanish Inquisition: The Original Faith-based Initiative.
- If we were made in his image, when why aren't humans invisible too?
- JESUS SAVES....You From Thinking For Yourself.
- How Can You Disbelieve in Evolution If You Can't Even Define It?
- Q. How Can You Tell That Your God is Man-made? A. If He Hates All the Same People You Do.
- Every Time You See a Rainbow, God is Having Gay Sex.
- The Family That Prays Together is Brainwashing the Children.
- Another Godless Atheist for Peace and World Harmony.
- God is Unavailable Right Now. Can I Help You? Satan.
- If God had intended me to go to church, he would have given me a bigger ass to sit on and a smaller brain to think with.
- Militant Atheists: We use words and reason, rather than bullets or planes!!!
- What schools need is a moment of science.
- If God had wanted us to worship him, he'd have made it easier by existing.
- Religion is for people who don't understand science.
- The last time we mixed politics and religion, people got burned at the stake.
- I cherish everyones right to their religious beliefs, no matter how comical.
- Stop Lying to Children Break the Cycle of Religion.
- Children ask your parents the truth about Santa Claus, then have them explain Jesus.
- We've found the body. Easter cancelled.
- Jesus saves sinners and redeems them for valuable cash prizes.
- Men have nipples. Intelligent Design?!
- Does Jesus believe in dinosaurs?
- Militant Agnostic: I don't know, AND NEITHER DO YOU!
- Jesus saves! The rest of us use credit cards.
- Born right the first time, thanks!
- Reality > Belief
- Jesus saves, Moses invests, Buddha recycles, Mohammed hallucinates.
- A man without god is like a fish without a bicycle.
- Did God make Darwin's Brain?
- My dinosaur ate your jesus fish.
- Adults with imaginary friends are stupid.
- Atheism isn't a religion. It's a personal relationship with reality.
- Dear God: please protect me from your followers.
- Jesus is coming -- look busy!
- Thank God for Christopher Hitchens
- I don't believe in God for the same reason I don't believe in Mother Goose, Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy.
- It's your god, they're YOUR rules, YOU burn in "hell"!
- To you I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition.
- If God exists, I hope he has a good excuse.
- Personally it's not God I dislike, it's his fan club I can't stand.
- In Reason I Trust.
- Non credo quia absurdum est.
- Religion, the easy way out of thinking.
- Faith is the Antithesis of Proof.
- Ain't skeered of God.
- 96% Chimp.
- Have you been touched by his noodly appendage (FSM).
- Thank God I'm an Atheist.
- GOD 404: Not Found.
- I don't have any invisible friends.
- Blasphemy is a Victimless Crime.
- Use your brain - stop being sheep.
- I reject your reality and substitue my own.
- Godless Heathen.
- Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies. Friedrich Nietzsche.
- The Bible Is The Weapon Of Mass Destruction.
- I'd join, but I'm allergic to nuts.
- "11. Though Shall Not Believe In Bullshit!"
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